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CT-Guided Intraspinal Injection

Stem cells are delivered via various methods to meet your needs

We are specialized in tailoring medical solutions with stem cells therapy to each patient’s needs. There are different methods to deliver stem cells into the body to achieve the best possible outcome. Our patients are encouraged to talk to their doctor about the treatment plan, and he/she will provide suggestions regarding the possible treatment method.

CT-guided intraspinal injec­tion has been devel­oped for the treatment of spinal cord injury. The pro­ce­dure causes no trauma to the patient, avoids loss of blood and pain, and allows for rapid recov­ery. A major advan­tage is that no major surgery is required. The sur­geon oper­ates with sophis­ti­cated knowl­edge of neural anatomy mak­ing use of high-level technology.

Another advan­tage of the pro­ce­dure is that it not only allows ordi­nary visual con­trol but also employs mod­ern imag­ing tech­nol­ogy so the sur­geon can inject a large quan­tity of stem cells directly into the spinal cord with great accu­racy. The pro­ce­dure is con­ducted with a 64-slice CT under either local or gen­eral anes­the­sia.

With the help of mark­ers, the CT mea­sures the exact area of the injury. It pro­vides a 3D image of the spine that can be rotated in space to check the posi­tion of the frac­tured ver­te­brae. A 1–1 nee­dle is inserted into the healthy area where the bones do not obstruct the path of the nee­dle. As the sur­geon inserts the nee­dle, and until it reaches the spinal cord, updated images are cre­ated to check the angle of the nee­dle. The spa­tial rela­tion­ship between the spinal cord and ver­te­brae can be iden­ti­fied exactly, ensur­ing a safe injection.

Fol­low­ing the injec­tion, the patient remains in the obser­va­tion room overnight for mon­i­tor­ing. The CT-guided intraspinal injec­tion is also sup­ple­mented by a lum­bar punc­ture and/or IV injec­tion of stem cells.

Side effects of CT-guided intraspinal injection

Many patients expe­ri­ence post-surgical pain such as radi­at­ing pain in the back and extrem­i­ties, which is expected and nat­ural. This pain is expected to dis­ap­pear within approximately three days.

Post Treat­ment Monitoring

After pro­ce­dure, patients are observed and put on a mon­i­tor which assesses their heart rate, res­pi­ra­tion, and other rel­e­vant infor­ma­tion. A nurse will tend to you, gauge your tem­per­a­ture, and record all data. If you don’t have fever or com­pli­ca­tions, you will be free to leave the hos­pi­tal.

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