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Stem Cell Treatment for Stroke

Extensive treatment programs improving your quality of life.

Either the blockage of blood supply to a part of the brain or when a blood vessel in the brain ruptures causing bleeding lead to stroke. Cerebral neurons damage when they are deprived of oxygen. This results in the following symptoms: sudden numbness, muscle weakness, mostly on one side of the body, trouble in speaking or understanding speech, seeing, walking, coordination; or possibly death.

There are two forms of stroke:

  • Ischemic stroke—results from interruption of blood supply to the brain
  • Hemorrhagic stroke—results from rupture of a blood vessel in or around the brain


With the advancement of stem cell treatments in China now you have a novel treatment option for Stroke. Unlike the currently available conventional treatments, our stem cell regimen is different in the way that we target to repair the brain tissue damage itself and recover functions. Stem cell treatment focuses on the root of the problem and not just the symptoms.

Cell death occurs when cells are injured. However, these dead cells are surrounded by damaged and healthy cells. Stem cells have the potential to stimulate the healing of these injured cells by the secretion of cytokines, such as nerve growth factor to promote the body’s self-repair mechanisms.


The objective of the treatment is to repair the injured cell area around the lesion. This will lead to improved symptoms mainly in physique and movements. The majority of patients show improvements right after the first or second transplant. They continue to improve for about 6 months to 1 year before the final results settle in. For Stroke patients the achieved results are permanent.


As of July 2010, we have treated 103 stroke patients. Stem cell treatment has an effectiveness rate from 70.4 % to 73.8 % for cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage. Most patients see improvement during hospitalization.

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Improvements of Stem Cell Therapy in Stroke

The purpose of our stem cell treatment is to restore neurological function in the brain/spinal cord lesion area, thus, various kinds of improvement are possible after our treatment and our past patients have experienced the following.

How Do We Help?

Not Only Stem Cells

Stem cell therapy brings hope for patients with different types of stroke, we believe that patients can live a better quality of life with effective and safe treatment.

We combine cutting-edge stem cell technology, the most experienced medical professionals in managing stem cell therapy, modern facilities and dedicated services that are effective to ensure the best possible treatment outcomes.

The stem cells used in our treatment are manufactured in GMP-certified laboratories, a series of processing and quality assurance procedures have been developed to meet the national and international standards, to ensure safe and effective products are delivered to our patients.

In addition to stem cell therapy, we provide comprehensive treatments that include, rehabilitation, remedies and natural therapies, each patient receives a personalized treatment plan tailored to meet his/her particular needs, in order to get the best out of the treatments.

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Learn more information about stem cell therapy and comprehensive treatment programs for ataxia. Contact us and book your treatment now.

Ataxia FAQs

Ataxia is a neurological disorder characterized by a lack of coordination and control over voluntary movements. It is typically caused by damage or dysfunction in the cerebellum or its associated pathways in the brain, which are responsible for coordinating muscle movements, balance, and posture.

Ataxia can have various causes, including:

  1. Genetic Factors: Many cases of ataxia are hereditary and result from genetic mutations. These mutations can affect the function of the cerebellum or its associated pathways, leading to ataxia. Examples include spinocerebellar ataxias (SCAs) and Friedreich’s ataxia (FRDA).

  2. Acquired Causes: Ataxia can also be acquired during a person’s lifetime due to non-genetic factors, such as:

    a. Stroke: A stroke occurring in the cerebellum or affecting its blood supply can lead to ataxia.

    b. Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI): Severe head injuries that damage the cerebellum or its connections can result in ataxia.

    c. Cerebral Palsy: This neurological disorder, often caused by brain damage during early development, can lead to ataxic movements.

    d. Infections: Certain infections, such as viral or bacterial infections, that affect the central nervous system can cause ataxia.

    e. Autoimmune Disorders: In some cases, the immune system mistakenly attacks the cerebellum, causing ataxia. Conditions like multiple sclerosis and gluten ataxia fall into this category.

    f. Tumors: Brain tumors located in or near the cerebellum can disrupt its function and result in ataxia.

    g. Environmental Factors: Exposure to certain toxins or substances, such as alcohol or certain medications, can cause ataxia.

  3. Unknown Causes: In some instances, the exact cause of ataxia remains unknown, even after thorough evaluation and testing. This is referred to as idiopathic ataxia.

Individuals with ataxia may experience difficulties with various motor tasks, including walking, speaking, swallowing, and performing precise movements such as writing or buttoning clothes. The lack of coordination can lead to unsteady or jerky movements, an unstable gait, and problems with fine motor skills.

Symptoms of ataxia can vary depending on the underlying cause and the specific areas of the brain affected. In addition to movement problems, individuals may also experience other neurological symptoms such as slurred speech, tremors, muscle weakness, and problems with eye movements.

There are different types of ataxia, including hereditary ataxias (caused by genetic mutations), acquired ataxias (resulting from non-genetic factors like stroke or traumatic brain injury), and idiopathic ataxias (where the cause is unknown).

Ataxia is diagnosed by a combination of medical history, physical examination, and diagnostic tests such as genetic testing, neuroimaging, blood and urine tests, EMG and nerve conduction studies, and biopsy. A neurologist or other healthcare professional experienced in diagnosing neurological disorders should evaluate ataxia for proper diagnosis and treatment.

While ataxia cannot be cured, treatment aims to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. This may include physical therapy to improve coordination and strength, occupational therapy to assist with daily activities, speech therapy for speech and swallowing difficulties, and medications to manage specific symptoms or underlying conditions.

Early diagnosis and intervention are important in managing ataxia and minimizing its impact on an individual’s daily life. Genetic counseling may also be recommended for individuals with hereditary forms of ataxia to understand the inheritance pattern and assess the risk for future generations.

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